As it’s almost a new year (at least, for me), I wanted to prove that the blog is still in existence, although I suppose I am really just following the usual trajectory of a dying blog (as so poignantly described by Jaime J. Weinman in the blog “Something Old, Nothing New,” which I discovered when it was already long ossified).

I actually took this one while on my lunch break from jury duty back in September. This is a rare case in which I made it all the way through voir dire and actually served, although it was a very short trial. I walked past Reutter Park, with its impressive (but sadly dry and litter-ridden) fountain and its pleasant shade trees. On West Kalamazoo Street, beside the park, I found this stamp.

I’m not sure who the IMI of this stamp is. I can find two possible candidates: one is IMI Industrial Services Group, “a leading single-source, industrial specialty contractor.” Their site indicates that they are an international business, but they don’t mention anything about concrete. They do seem to do major construction projects and in the process of that they no doubt do some concrete, but that seems like an unlikely candidate for a stretch of sidewalk in front of Reutter Park.

Look at that nice shade!

Another IMI that I can find is Irving Materials Inc., based in Indiana. They are in the concrete business, but the problem is that they say they work in Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, and Tennessee – not Michigan.