I found this in my drafts, apparently having never posted it when I thought I did back on August 7. On the eve of a new year, it seems especially appropriate to post it, as late as it is.

The fourth anniversary of the blog was August 7; it launched on August 7, 2020, with a photo of an undated O & M stamp on Regent Street. For the first year, I posted a unique stamp every day without fail. Near the end of that time, it started to get onerous to find enough new ones to sustain that, so I dropped to three times a week on the first anniversary. On the second anniversary, I dropped to twice a week, and on the third, to once a week. My intention was to reassess the posting schedule each year on the anniversary, but to be as close to perfect as I could manage in between those times.

I had planned to announce on the fourth anniversary that it was time to retire from regular posting entirely, not with the intention of ending the blog, but just posting only when I actually had something new enough and interesting enough to warrant it. I regret that I didn’t make it to the anniversary, and fell out of regular posting some months before. I just don’t find enough new stamps in my usual neighborhoods anymore. I want to reassure myself that this is proof of my accomplishment rather than something to feel sorry for. I have so exhaustively combed the area that there just aren’t new stamps left to find. I am happy to pick up new ones when I’m in another part of town, but I can’t rely on being elsewhere often enough to sustain regular posting.

So, let’s make official what was unofficial: there is no longer a rigorous posting schedule, but I don’t intend to cease collecting news about sidewalks, nor photographing them when I find something novel.

Until then: keep looking down!