Today is the third anniversary of Capital City Sidewalks, a blog I started on a whim (with a placeholder name that I stuck with) because I had started a daily walking habit during the lockdown. I still have that daily walking habit but the blog decreased to three times a week on its first anniversary and twice a week on its second. I think you can guess what the third anniversary brings: another reduction in posting frequency.

Anyone who has been reading regularly has surely noticed that I’m running low on new and interesting stamps to showcase, and have been more often resorting to tangential topics and apologies. I have exhausted, or nearly so, the contractor stamps available in my usual walking radius; while I obviously have not catalogued every stamp on Lansing’s east side, I believe I have at least one example from each contractor, including style variations when they have more than one. Every once in a while I still turn up something new but those finds are getting further and further apart. I’m not done being interested in finding new ones, but it will require more forays into other neighborhoods and I can’t guarantee that I will be able to do that regularly enough to keep posting twice a week.

So, I will be switching to one post a week, most likely on Fridays, starting this coming Friday. I hope that will allow me to get a reserve of new material to use, and I hope that keeping up at least some posting schedule, even if it’s a less frequent one, will continue to reinforce the blogging habit so that this project doesn’t peter out entirely. I’ve been quite proud of keeping it up for this long, and I’ve also learned a lot about the history of my neighborhood and Lansing in the process.

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