These handwritten stamps are a little way up the street from the handwritten C.H. Peel, but in this case I can be quite confident they are contractor’s marks from the fact that there are two of them paired on either end of a stretch of sidewalk, as a contractor would do to mark the beginning and end of the work they were responsible for. This is on the west side of the 400 block of Leslie Street between Kalamazoo and Elizabeth.

Sorry the photos are dark. I have been taking my walks at night lately to view Christmas lights, and also because it’s hard to take them during the day when the day is about ten minutes long.

In these (not very good) photos it is hard to tell that the first letter is a C, but I’ve seen it by daylight and know that it is. My usual tricks didn’t bring me any joy. I couldn’t find out anything at all about C. Fletcher.

Hard to read under the flash but there is another “C Fletcher” here on a block that has been patched to try to fix the tripping hazard. There are a lot of uneven sidewalk blocks on the east side, often with this kind of nearly useless fix applied.
The above mark is near the bottom of this photo, though not visible in the darkness.