I spotted this new-to-me contractor stamp while I was downtown to walk in the Turkey Trot 5K on Thanksgiving morning. It’s on the west side of North Grand Avenue next to Fire Station #1, which faces Shiawassee. There is a stamp on the driveway apron as well as the sidewalk.
According to the city’s Web site about fire stations, Fire Station #1 was built in 1949 and extensively remodeled in 2006, which accounts for why it looks rather new. It is nicknamed “The Big House.”
I can’t find out much about F & M Construction. Most likely they are F & M Concrete Construction, which I can find listings for placing them on Creyts Road in Dimondale. OpenCorporates shows that “F and M Concrete Construction LLC” of Dimondale only incorporated in 2013, but I would guess it is the same business responsible for this stamp.