S. Fairview Ave., O & M, 2015

It’s somewhat unusual to find a dated O & M (city Operations and Maintenance) stamp in any case, but especially rare in the southern reaches of the Urbandale neigborhood. This one is near the dead end (south of Horton, north of I-496) on the west side of the street.

Sorry for the poor photo. I’m still not used to my new phone. It’s delightfully tiny but a bit hard to handle for photographs.

Grand River Ave., Meridian Twp., Moore Trosper, 2015

This nice Moore Trosper sign is just west of the entrance drive of the Meridian Mall, on the north side of Grand River Avenue in Meridian Township. I like how the crisply-laid date makes it clear that they are using a modular stamp in which each digit can be replaced separately.

Up ahead is the main entrance drive of the mall.